Grace Ruvimbo Chirenje

Grace Ruvimbo Chirenje

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Shift in women’s political participation: The case of Masarira

The other woman who has broken barriers and trailblazed the presidential terrain as a politician is Linda Masarira.
By Grace Ruvimbo Chirenje Jun. 20, 2023

Women and STEM: Breaking Down Barriers to Equality

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are some of the most important and innovative areas of work in the world today.
By Grace Ruvimbo Chirenje Jul. 26, 2023

Time to build our nation

Together, we can build a Zimbabwe that we can all be proud to call home, tisingatizire kuchando! (Without emigrating to cold countries).
By Grace Ruvimbo Chirenje Mar. 28, 2024

Reflections on Lake Harvest marathon

We followed them through the bustling streets of Kariba, our spirits lifted by their enthusiasm and support.
By Grace Ruvimbo Chirenje Aug. 16, 2024